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Sol LeWitt
Sol LeWitt
Sol LeWitt
Sol LeWitt

Press Release

NEW YORK—The Paula Cooper Gallery is pleased to present an exhibition of recent works on paper by Sol LeWitt. A selection of eight large-scale gouaches will be on view from 19 October through 30 November 2002, at 521 West 21st Street.

The works on view are a series of Web-like Grids, composed of thin swirling lines of color over solid background. Measuring 5 by 5 feet or more, they present all-over mazes of curvilinear patterns in soft, earthy hues. These works were made in 2001 and shown in early 2002 at the Fundacion Proa in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with the collaboration of Paula Cooper Gallery, as part of an exhibition of wall drawings made especially for the Foundation.

Throughout LeWitt’s career in the past four decades, works on paper have remained a central form of artistic practice. In 1992, his drawings were the subject of a major travelling exhibition organized by the Haags Gemeentemuseum in The Hague, Netherlands. In the 1990s especially, LeWitt started using gouache, an opaque water-based paint, to produce free-flowing, undulating abstract works in contrasting colors, with titles such as Irregular Forms, Parallel Curves, or Squiggly Brushstrokes. These playful, dynamic pieces have remained an important part of his work to this day.

Sol LeWitt was born in 1928 in Hartford, CT. His work has been exhibited nationally and internationally in more than 300 one-person exhibitions since 1965, the date of the first one in New York. In 2000, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art mounted Sol LeWitt: A Retrospective, which subsequently travelled to the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, and the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. He is the author of more than 50 artist books and other published artwork. His work is in numerous national and international public collections including the Guggenheim Museum, New York; the Hara Museum, Tokyo; the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam and the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris.

For more information, please contact the gallery: (212) 255-1105 or